Thursday, September 20, 2012

EDI AND GCCI organizes Leadership Series

EDI in collaboration with GCCI organized Leadership Series at EDI campus. Mr. Andrew Cohen was the first speaker of this series at our campus.

Mr. Andrew Cohen, who is an American Spiritual Teacher started the lecture by saying that he has observed that the Indian Youth are inspired to get a good job followed by a satisfying married life, to have kids, who in turn should be well educated and should get a good job… and so this circle continues. He said that today’s youth should answer the question “Why am I doing what I am doing?” to get out of this trap.

In order to discover the answer for yourself, the first step you have to take is a big one: you have to be willing to let absolutely everything go. You have to take a journey to the deepest dimension of your own self, a journey that will lead you all the way back to before the beginning—before anything ever happened, before the universe was born. Before the beginning, there was no time, no form, and no space—only absolute emptiness. Before the beginning, there was nothing . . . but you were there.

He also said in evolutionary spirituality, we are more interested in the future than we are in the present moment because the present moment has already happened, so there is not much that we can do about it. We’ve already arrived there. But the future, which always exists in the next moment, is something we can actually impact.

Earlier people used to follow gurus to attain “moksha’ but now the stress level is so high that the guru’s are teaching ways to reduce stress level. The lifestyle of today’s generation is such that they don’t want to think deeply , instead they want a comfortable life.
We need to think deeply as that’s the real solution

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